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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
General Election 2017

General Election 2017

A PowerPoint that focuses on the upcoming election on 8th June. This can be used for either a general class presentation or as an assembly to introduce children to the election. Within the PowerPoint is how the election came about, what comes next, who is eligible to vote, how the vote went in 2015 and the main parties that sit in Parliament and their leaders. Also included is a quiz that links to information in the PowerPoint that is done in a Who Wants to be a Millionaire fashion. There is also a fact file about Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn, Nicola Sturgeon and Tim Farron. Two political anagrams with different words and the answers included.
Industrial Revolution Geography Scheme of Work

Industrial Revolution Geography Scheme of Work

Attached are 5 lessons based on using map skills and linking them to the Industrial Revolution. These have been written with Year 5/6 in mind but are easily adaptable. Included are the slides, resources and differentiated lesson plans. Lesson 1 - Identifying UK cities on a map Lesson 2 - Identifying rivers in the UK Lesson 3 - Identifying how the UK changed during the Industrial Revolution Lesson 4 - Identifying the Luddites area of operations Lesson 5 - British Empire during the period and identifying countries around the world N.B. You will need atlases for the general atlas activities.
Variety of quizzes (x5)

Variety of quizzes (x5)

A range of quizzes that are useful for the end of the year or as general activities. Quizzes include: A quiz that gets children to try and identify 30 different flags from around the world. A fun geography activity for the end of the year or as a general activity to check knowledge of different flags. A British History quiz that includes 20 questions about British history, including a range of topics and spanning over 1000 years. Also included is a bonus round worth up to an extra 23 points. This is useful for some end of term fun or as a general quiz to check children's general knowledge of British history and can be done individually or in teams. A European History quiz that includes 20 questions about European history, including a range of topics and spanning over 2000 years. Also included is a bonus round worth up to an extra 28 points. This is useful for some end of term fun or as a general quiz to check children's general knowledge of European history and can be done individually or in teams. A multiple choice quiz that children can do in teams as a fun end of year activity looking at various events in 2016-2017. Round One- Sporting events Round Two- Film questions Round Three- Picture Round Round Four- Song Round - Name the artist and name of the song with a point for each (Freedom in this round of selecting a number of songs yourself from 2016-2017 to quiz children on) Round Five- Music Round Round Six- Television Round A multiple choice general knowledge quiz that has 26 questions before finishing with 2 bonus rounds with a point per answer available.
Year 5 Writing Moderation grids

Year 5 Writing Moderation grids

Three Year 5 grids for below, at and expected standard for writing. These have been based on the national curriculum expectations as well as using the current interim Year 6 documents as a starting point for creating them.
The Interwar Years

The Interwar Years

An eleven lesson sequence that gives a brief introduction and overview of events in Europe following the end of the First World War. The sequence will focus on the end of the war and what followed with the Treaty of Versailles, some of the key events in the 1920's, the change in British politics, the rise of Hitler and the following actions that broke the Treaty of Versailles and policy of appeasement. All of the resources needed to run the lessons are included such as presentations and activities as well as the planning. These lessons have been written with upper KS2 and lower KS3 in mind but should be easily adaptable for KS4 students as well. Lesson 1 - Chronological order Lesson 2 - The Treaty of Versailles Lesson 3 - The Treaty of Versailles Lesson 4 - The Dawes Plan Lesson 5 - Changes in British politics Lesson 6 - Wall Street Crash/ Great Depression Lesson 7 - Rise of Hitler Lesson 8 - Propaganda/ Source Analysis Lesson 9 - Revoking the Treaty of Versailles Lesson 10 - Appeasement Lesson 11 - Evaluating Appeasement Also included is a brief knowledge organiser as well as a diamond 9 activity to evaluate the Treaty of Versailles.
2017 Key Stage Two Maths Breakdown (Questions split in to age groups)

2017 Key Stage Two Maths Breakdown (Questions split in to age groups)

A breakdown of all the questions from the KS2 2017 Maths papers, split in to the various year group strands they have come from. Some questions overlap as they share curriculum strands from two different year groups. Included is also a breakdown of the questions in statistical form to show what each year group contributed in terms of marks. These are useful for sharing with staff in KS2 to show the types of questions children are expected to do for each year group as well as breaking questions down if people wish to practise easier or more challenging questions.
Time Zones (KS2 Lesson)

Time Zones (KS2 Lesson)

A lesson that focuses on time zones, including a look at GMT/ UTC as well as looking at the history of time zones. Included is everything that is needed to run the lesson including: the lesson plan, differentiated resources and the presentation PowerPoint. Good to use as part of a series of lessons looking at longitude and latitude or a useful one off lesson to practise some key skills and gaining a deeper understanding.
Back to School: Classroom Rules

Back to School: Classroom Rules

An activity made for the start of the new school year. This activity is made to get children to think about rules that they think are important as classroom rules. There are 15 different rules that children will need to cut out. In groups, get children to pick the five rules they think are most important, getting them to justify why they think they are the five most important. This can then lead in to a classroom discussion looking at each groups selection and getting them to discuss why they picked them. These can also be used to then create the class rules for the year if their is a clear set of favourite rules or by voting on each one.
Grammar revision activity booklet

Grammar revision activity booklet

A workbook suitable for children in Year 5 and 6. This 22 page booklet looks at a range of aspects, getting children to work through questions related to areas of grammar and in being able to use a dictionary accurately. It is perfect for 5-10 minute bursts during register time or can be used as an extended activity for a lesson if plans have fallen through/ changed, with children able to pick it up as and when.
Back To School: About me and setting targets

Back To School: About me and setting targets

An activity for children to do at the start of a new school year/ for class swap days. Get children to draw themselves, describe themselves, identify their favourite subjects and activities outside of school as well as getting children to set three targets (for in or out of school) and think of one thing new they would like to do in the next year.
Maths Grid Game

Maths Grid Game

A Maths game that works on revising some key vocabulary such as prime numbers, multiples and using the greater than and less than symbol as well as opening up varied discussion about why particular numbers fit where they do or why they should be used elsewhere. Everything needed to play this is attached including an explanation of the rules. Perfect for a starter, plenary or just for a 5-10 minute break where they can practise some reasoning activities.
Singapore Bar Maths

Singapore Bar Maths

This is a helpful presentation looking at how to use the Singapore Bar Model. Singapore Bar is growing in popularity in this country due to the success of Singapore in the PISA tables for Maths, with the methods shown helping children break down problems in a much simpler way. This presentation goes through different models of the bar and how to apply it to a range of problems with step by step details for each problem. It can be used to help individuals become more confident with the methods and applying them or could also be used to help begin to lead staff training on the method.
Order of operations display poster (BIDMAS)

Order of operations display poster (BIDMAS)

A display poster for the order of operations (BIDMAS) that shows the order operations should be completed in as well as giving a little information for each such as what to do if number sentences are just multiplication and divisions.
South America Fact File

South America Fact File

28 page Powerpoint that introduces the continent of South America to children. Within the Powerpoint, the 12 sovereign states of South America are included. Included are the flags for every country, the capital city and main language for each country as well as two to three facts for every country in South America. Useful for introducing South America or countries within South America as well as being able to create a fact file using the slides.
Colons and Semi-Colons

Colons and Semi-Colons

A powerpoint that looks at both colons and semi-colons. This identifies what they are and how they can be used in different ways. These are backed up with examples of colons and semi-colons in use and also include activities to do as a class discussion about where colons or semi-colons should go within the activity questions.
Queen Elizabeth fact displays

Queen Elizabeth fact displays

Five display posters full of facts to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II celebrating her official 90th birthday in June. All facts are on silhouette backgrounds of the Queen and include a range of facts for children to learn.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

A Powerpoint that looks at the relationship between addition and subtraction and between multiplication and division. Useful as an introduction or a recap for children, exploring the links between operations as well as introducing algebraic links for children and the way in which the equals sign can move about fluidly. Includes questions for children to try and solve, with some being more complex than others.
Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy

Five of the key parts of Bloom's Taxonomy. For each one there is a brief introduction of what it looks like for children, key words that can be used to check how children are performing against it and then actions and outcomes for each one.
2017-18 KS2 Writing Assessment Grids

2017-18 KS2 Writing Assessment Grids

Writing moderation grids that include all the statements for the three standards from the newly released writing assessment framework for the 2017-18 academic year for Key Stage Two.
Peer Marking Code English

Peer Marking Code English

A simple set of letters that can be used as a peer marking code for children to use when assessing others writing. These are basic but are effective for getting children to consider the key elements of the writing and being able to mark it quickly and effectively. They could also be used for staff to mark writing with children then responding to these to improve their own, whilst saving time writing lengthy comments.